Terry Erdle Posts

  • From Entry to Expert

    Oct 21, 2010, 15:12 PM by Terry Erdle
    CompTIA senior vice president, skills certification, Terry Erdle, spoke at the CompTIA EMEA Member Conference. His presentation covered how CompTIA positions its offerings in the context of a global IT workforce.The impacts of recent economics, the establishment of global standards, and new partnerships all play into the bigger picture that can impact both the hiring company as well as the individual.It’s what any entrant or convert to the IT career path may need, as we see the recent economic c ...
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  • Knowing how to think, or knowing how to do something...useful!

    May 19, 2010, 20:36 PM by Terry Erdle
    In recent years, I’ve noticed a trend – academic institutions increasingly adopting and adapting the best that the training industry has to offer. And that’s indeed a big change. No one would argue that educators retain the imperative to truly educate: to open students’ minds to new information, ideas and concepts, and (some would say most importantly) how to think – deductively AND creatively. Years ago (not that many!), I was in a position to make a donation of a comprehensive training curric ...
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